Stat Lists

Stat Lists

Stats List Block Types

The Stat List block is used when there is a need to emphasize numbers in a big and visual manner. Like other blocks, they can be used almost anywhere within the site but should be used sparingly and appropriately. There are two variations available for use.

Default Stat List

Bold Stat List

Using the block in WordPress

Adding a block to the page

To add the stat list block, toggle the block inserter and search for the block named stat list. For more information on adding blocks see Getting Started


There are two fields to fill in with every stat. First, the value which can be any string of plain text. This will be formatted as large text. Second, the label which can also be entered as plain text and will be formatted as smaller text opposite to it.

Configuration options

When using the Bold Numbers style, the following options will appear in the sidebar.

  • Accent Colour
    • Predefined accent colours from the IHPME colour palette

Configuration panel

Last update:
Contributors: Doug Wollison