

The timetable area of the WordPress manager connects with existing course entries to enable a display of detailed schedules in a variety of formats. Timetable entries are output into many areas of the IHPME website, such as the overall timetable directoryopen in new window and individual program detail pagesopen in new window.


Example of timetable directory on live IHPME website.

Timetables directory example on live IHPME website

Modular timetable entry example:

Modular timetable entry example

Accessing Timetables

To accessTimetables click or hover over the Timetables link on the left-hand side of the WordPress editor. Here you will be presented with a several options.

Timetable editor options

There are many options available within the Timetables menu, most of which are relegated to administrator access only.

Example of WordPress sidebar:

Time table sidebar menu

All Classes

Provides a listing of all class timetable entries currently saved within the WordPress database.

Add New

Adds a new timetable entry to the database for editing.


Configures the listing of available locations within the WordPress database.


Configures the listing of available programs within the WordPress database.


Configures the listing of available degrees within the WordPress database.

Delivery Methods

Configures the available delivery methods for the timetable entries.

Academic Years

Configures the available academic years offered for timetable entries.

Program Years

Configures the available program years offered for timetable entries.

Program Order

Configurable order of all programs currently available within IHPME.

Degree Order

Configures order of available degrees memberships.

Delivery Method Order

Configures order of available delivery methods.

Program Year Order

Configures order of available program years.

Editing & Creating Timetable Entries

Adding a new class

To add a new class, select or hover over the Timetables menu item on the left-hand sidebar and click "Add New".

Timetable sidebar view

Finding an existing timetable entry

To find a timetable entry within the WordPress editor, select "All Classes" from the Timetables sidebar menu. This will display a listing of all available classes in the WordPress editor.

List view of All Classes:

Timetable directory view

From the list view of all classes, you can filter the available results by several methods:

  • Search Field: Search for a specific class by name (upper right-hand corner).
  • Dropdown filters: Provides several options to filter by date, academic years, sessions, program, degrees, and program years.
  • By page: Allows jumping to a specific page or advancing forward/backwards within the listing of classes.

Viewing a timetable entry

Below is an example of an existing Timetable within the WordPress editor. Timetables feature a limited amount of editable features. Timetable entries (where possible) also draw in content from existing course entries to help mitigate duplicate content or inaccuracies throughout the database. See course entries for creating new courses.

Existing class entry example

Editing a timetable entry

Course name

The course name of the timetable entry can be edited by inputting a name into the first field available below the heading "Edit Class".

Course name field

Begin by typing in the name of existing course. This will bring up an autocomplete suggestion.

Course name auto-complete

By selecting an existing course name in this field, it will automatically populate the course code, programs, instructors, delivery method, school year, and sessions field if they have been configured already on the course page itself.

Auto completed details

External courses

When required, add externally hosted timetable entries by inputting a custom course name, as well as the course description URL field. This method will not autocomplete any fields and requires manual intervention.

The course description field is only accessible when using a custom course name.

Course description url

Add schedule

The Add Schedule button will bring up a window with options for input dates based on the course delivery format.

Add Schedule button

Add schedule button

Timetable formats

There are several formats available to choose from when creating class schedules. If required, multiple formats can be used in a timetable entry by adding a new schedule for each format.

Weekly format

This is an example of the Weekly format window when selecting "Add Schedule". The weekly format automatically adds weekly dates based on the "to and from", as well as the overall duration selected. If required, exceptions can also be added into the weekly schedule to accommodate holidays, breaks or other calendar conflicts.

Weekly format selector

Modular format

The Modular format schedule allows for an infrequent or non-recurring type schedule. Each time entry requires a specific description, location, and time. Multiple time entries can be entered into the modular format.

Modular format window

Intensive format

The Intensive format is similar to creating modular format entries. This format creates a special label on the live site denoting the class schedule as intensive for students. Like the modular format, multiple entries can be made, as well as exceptions for specific dates.

Intensive format window

No Schedule format

The No Schedule format is used when there is no specific schedule for the current timetable entry or if it is TDB. This format is useful for creating notes, indicating workshops, or visually indicating that the schedule is to be determined.

No schedule option window

Moving Dates & Times

Individual entries can be moved up and down in order. This affects the display on entries on the live published website. To move an entry up or down, click on the arrow to the left on schedule entry in the "Dates & Times" area.

Moving entries example

Instructor Details/Notes

Small notes or excerpts regarding the timetable entry can be added in this area. This is useful for specific information unrelated to scheduling details.

Timetable instructor notes

Last update:
Contributors: Doug Wollison