Don’t Miss Our Next IHPME Event!
20 Slides • 15 Seconds • 5 Minutes
Registration Now Open for Ignite® 2017
In the spirit of enhancing the student + educator experience, IHPME is pleased to announce the second annual IHPME Practicum Showcase: An Ignite® Event on Wednesday, November 8, 2017 at the Dalla Lana School of Public Health 6th Floor Auditorium. This is a chance for students to showcase their work and the work for their preceptor through a unique presentation format.
Ignite® encourages students to share their practicum research or a project of interest in a bite-size format. Presenters will converse about their topic (similar to a TED talk), using slides as prompts.
After all presentations are complete, two Winners (with a cash prize) will be selected via digital voting!
Key Features of Ignite®:
- 20 slides
- 15 seconds per slide
- Mainly images, including graphics, diagrams and photographs
- Presentation total time: 5 minutes
Read more about Ignite®
November 8, 2017
5:00 – 7:00 PM | Free
Presentations & two winners (with a cash prize) will be selected by the audience via digital voting.
Stay awhile for a Wine & Cheese Reception outside of the auditorium.
One of our students who won 2nd place at Ignite ® expanded his Ignite format into a presentation at eHealth/COACH 2017.
Preceptor Workshop
An interactive session on best practices for practicum placements.
In appreciation for hosting IHPME students, preceptors and projects, hosts are invited to to an afternoon seminar with guest speakers and case presentations.
Keynote Speaker: Christine Miners, Managing Director, Talent Management Verity International
Topic: Best Practices
3:00 – 5:00 PM | Refreshments and light snacks will be provided.
Location: HS 208
Details to follow. Please email Zoe Downie-Ross at if you have any further questions.
Enlighten us.. but make it QUICK
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