Thesis Programs

IHPME full-time students in thesis-based programs (who meet the funding criteria) will be provided with a guaranteed minimum level of financial support (student funding package) of $26,000, which covers tuition, health insurance, incidental fees, system access and ancillary fees plus personal stipend.

  • One year at the master’s level (thesis-based)
  • Four years for PhD
  • Full-time MSc/PhD transfer program students, funding will be guaranteed for one year of master’s study and three years of PhD study

Professional Programs

Students in non-thesis programs do not qualify for the University of Toronto’s guaranteed funding. Students in these programs may be eligible for Scholarships and/or Fellowship Awards (Professional Master’s Bursary, Opportunity Scholarship for incoming Black and Indigenous students, some IHPME awards) as well as OSAP. Information on these awards, plus details of their eligibility criteria, is available on the School of Graduate Studies website (SGS Awards and Funding).

Student Funding Package

The student funding package is a mixture of different sources of funding, including:


E.g., Government Funded Awards, IHPME merit-based awards, UofT awards etc.

Supervisor grants

See Faculty Directory for accepting students.

University of Toronto Fellowship (UTF)

Other sources

Funding is preferred in the following order:

  1. External fellowships (e.g., CIHR, SSHRC, Vanier);
  2. Operating grant stipends (e.g., funding from supervisor’s grant);
  3. Internal awards & Ontario Graduate Scholarships (OGS); and
  4. University of Toronto Fellowship (UTF).
    UTF should be considered as the last source of financial support. Stipend funding from supervisors replaces UTF as part of the student funding package and will not be paid as a top-up.

Bottom line:

  • Both student and supervisor are required to make every reasonable effort to obtain funding from awards, and/or supervisor grants for every year that the student is in the program and meets the eligibility criteria of external funding agencies. 
  • Student loans, such as OSAP, and research or teaching assistant roles are not part of the student funding package. 
  • IHPME needs-based awards go over and above the base funding.
  • Students that have deferred acceptance into the program, will not receive UTF and must be funded by their supervisor.
  • The funding package will be established with the student, in consultation with the supervisor and program director.

Student Funding Package Criteria

Annual Income1Award(s) ValueIHPME Funding (supervisor and/or UTF)
More than $26,000n/aNo IHPME Funding
Less than $26,000$0$26,000
Licensed MDs who are involved in a clinical training program or clinical duties.n/aNo IHPME Funding
N/ALess than $2,000Small awards up to a cumulative amount of $2,000 will not be deducted from the funding package
Less than $26,000Less than $17,500Top-up to meet $26,000
Less than $26,000$17,500 to $35,000Top-up to meet $26,000 plus $1,500 bonus for first year of award and then $1,000 for remaining years of award up to three years while receiving the student funding package
Less than $26,000More than $35,000No top-up or bonus
1 The expected annual gross income while the student is in the program.

IHPME Research Expense Stipend for PhD students

IHPME will provide a one-time $500 stipend for full-time and flex-time PhD students in years 1–4.
Please review eligibility requirements on the awards page.

Get in Contact

Graduate Administrator

Zoe Downie-Ross
Phone Number: (416) 946-3486
Email Address: ihpme.grad.admin@​

Coordinates student records, graduate funding, and student-related awards.