Tara Gomes

Faculty Member

Accepting Students

Professional Interests

Pharmaceutical utilization, outcomes and policy with the key objective of rapidly conducting relevant pharmacoepidemiology research for provincial decision-makers to inform drug policy in Ontario.  In particular, my research is focused on using Ontario’s large health administrative databases to conduct observational drug utilization and safety research timely, relevant and responsive to drug policy-makers’ needs.


1) Dr. Gomes’ research in the field of opioid use and harms in Canada has led to dozens of peer-reviewed publications and reports for policy-makers that have both informed and evaluated drug policy at the local, provincial, national and international level. Furthermore, these findings have been presented to a wide variety of audiences across North America.

2) Based on evidence from the Canadian Agency for Drugs and Technologies in Health (CADTH), Dr. Gomes conducted a body of research outlining the current use of blood glucose test strips (BGTS) in Ontario, and the potential cost-savings associated with implementation of a variety of focused policy scenarios. These scenarios were designed to significantly reduce utilization of BGTS while still permitting blood glucose monitoring by patient groups where their use was supported by evidence. The results of these studies were reported to Ontario’s drug policy makers, and helped inform and evaluate their formulary reimbursement changes for blood glucose test strips in 2013. It is estimated that the quantity limit policies introduced across Canada since this time have saved governments more than $50 million annually.

3) Dr. Gomes is the lead Principal Investigator of the ODPRN, a large, provincial network of drug policy researchers from across Ontario with the aim to foster an innovative drug policy research environment with the capacity to generate scientifically sound evidence related to drug safety and drug policy. Since 2008, the ODPRN has been extremely productive, completing over 100 projects, more than half of which were driven by policy-makers’ questions. This work has influenced and informed several drug policies, including changes to reimbursement criteria, drug safety and effectiveness evaluations, and formulary modernization.

New Prescription Opioid Use and Risks of Adverse Events in Ontario, Canada

Published: 2022

Qi Guan

PhD Graduate
HSR Emphasis — Health Services Outcomes and Evaluation

Supervisors: Tara Gomes, David N. Juurlink