
To be awarded to a graduate student or recent graduate (up to 3 years since their graduation) in the Dalla Lana School of Public Health who had an excellent peer-reviewed research paper accepted for publication in the previous 12 months, for which they were a lead author. Preference will be given to Master’s level papers in infectious disease epidemiology, and those that could be described as foresightful, original, unorthodox or willing to challenge conventional wisdom within society or academia. This is a merit-based award.

Eligibility Note

Graduate student or recent graduate (up to 3 years since their graduation). Preference will be given to Master’s level papers in infectious disease epidemiology.


  • Submit a copy of a peer-reviewed paper published within the past 12 months, or soon to be published, where the applicant was a lead author
  • Provide correspondence with the publisher showing confirmation of publication, pending or provisional publication
  • Include a cover letter, stating how they see their paper as being foresightful, original, unorthodox or willing to challenge conventional wisdom within society or academia
  • All collated into a single PDF

Applicants are responsible for reviewing the award criteria and ensuring that they have met all the eligibility requirements and adhered to the submission guidelines. Late or incomplete applications will NOT be accepted.

Please make your submission through the School Prizes Form by June 7, 2024.

Make a Donation to an Award

Please consider donating to one of IHPME’s awards. We appreciate our community’s contributions to ensuring excellence in healthcare.