must have completed a full year of courses in the MHI or MHSc programs.
- Develop alternative architectures for solving key health system problems
- Co-design a solution with interest holder engagement
- Develop policy recommendations for enabling their solution to be implemented
- Develop an operational framework for implementing their solution
- Develop a partnership structure to enable the solution to be implemented
- Develop a sustainability model to enable their solution to become self-sustaining
The Canadian Healthcare System is ripe for transformation. Costs are high and increasing. The population is aging and adding more pressure to the system. Health human resources are leaving the profession in droves as working conditions worsen. Knowledge is exploding. Digital health technologies have not delivered on their promise.
The healthcare system will not be transformed in a single step. It will take multiple, coordinated projects and programs that will provide the stepping stones to health system transformation.
This course will take a case study approach to health system transformation, building on current projects and programs, learning lessons from what has worked and what needs to be changed. Case studies are developed and taught by practitioners in the field who are addressing the very issues that our healthcare system faces.
Students will have the opportunity to engage with guest speakers who can share lessons learned and who can provide guidance around what has worked and what still needs to be worked out.

Karim Keshavjee
Edward M. Brown
Evaluation Breakdown
- Reflection on Case Analysis (Individual Assignment)
- Reflection on Case Synthesis (Individual Assignment)
- Solution Architectures Presentation (Group Assignment)
- System Transformation Presentation (Group Assignment)