
Knowledge Transfer and Exchange: The Art and Science of Making Research Relevant and Increasing Utilization




The course examines the theoretical and practical dimensions of knowledge transfer and exchange (KT&E). The subject is viewed from a number of perspectives and provides students with an understanding of what knowledge transfer and exchange is, how to assess when knowledge is ready to be transferred, the impacts organizational/cultural and decision-making factors play in the uptake of knowledge, and the skills and knowledge involved in the effective practice of knowledge transfer and exchange.Given the priority to knowledge transfer now being given by granting agencies, governments and the health care decision-makers, the course will help prepare students involved in research to meet the changing demands and expectations attached to their research. The course will assist students to incorporate knowledge transfer and exchange principles and practices into their thinking about the conduct and communication of their research. for those considering an in-depth program of knowledge transfer and exchange focused research, this course will provide a sound introduction to the field as a whole. The course will use an interactive format and will integrate didactic presentations, case examples and application of the material in independent project work. Learning will take place through various modalities including lectures, small group exercises and full class discussions. The course instructors’ experience and work in mental health and addictions health services research and consulting will be augmented by the expertise of guests from different health areas who will bring their experience as producers, users or brokers of knowledge. Students will be responsible for leading the discussion on the course readings.


  • To develop core knowledge of knowledge transfer and exchange issues, concepts, models and methods
  • To understand the uses of knowledge transfer and exchange in research, policy making, management and clinical practice
  • To learn how to apply knowledge transfer theory and practice to student research
  • To learn techniques to help in the measurement and evaluation of knowledge transfer and exchange


Monika Kastner

Accepting Students




Knowledge Transfer and Exchange: The Art and Science of Making Research Relevant and Increasing Utilization