
Introduction to eHealth: Informatics, Innovations and Information Systems




This course provides students with a basic understanding of Information Systems theory. The primary focus is on the development and management of information systems and computer applications. It should be stressed that this is not a course on computers per se – but rather a course that applies computer technology as a means to an end. This end is, hopefully, the competent management of information and decision support systems.


Upon successful completion of the course, students will be able to:

  • Describe the critical success factors that can facilitate the development and implementation of better Information, Information Management Technology and Information Technology systems;
  • Analyze strategies for creating innovative solutions and their successful implementation;
  • Apply basic continual improvement methods and tools for analyzing work processes for improving IS processes;
  • Analyze and describe the strengths and weaknesses of systems and communicate that to the technology community;
  • Compare the efficiency and effectiveness of different information systems or platforms to the point of being able to define optimal strategies in healthcare;
  • Measure the status of information systems in place today.

Learner Competencies

  • Achievement Orientation
  • Analytical Thinking
  • Change Leadership
  • Communication Skills
  • Impact & Influence
  • Information Seeking
  • Information Technology Management
  • Innovative Thinking
  • Organizational Awareness
  • Project Management


Angela Lianos


Sonali Kohli

Accepting Students




Introduction to eHealth: Informatics, Innovations and Information Systems

  • Dates: Time: Wed    (Location: online)
  • Dates: Time: Fri
  • Dates: Time: Wed    (Location: online)
  • Dates: Time: Thu
  • Dates: Time: Wed    (Location: online)
  • Dates: Time: Fri    (Joint class with HAD5733H)
  • Dates: Time: Thu
  • Dates: Time: Fri