This course will immerse students into the variety of research methodologies and methods social scientists use in HPE research. The course will start with a brief review of the theories underlying critical and interpretive social science research. Students will be asked to synthesize this learning and present and justify a research proposal in written and verbal format.
- Describe common critical and interpretive social science research methodologies
- Identify appropriate methodologies in relation to HPE research questions
- Identify appropriate data collection and analysis approaches in relation to HPE research questions
- Draft, present, and justify a research proposal consistent with expectations in the critical and interpretive social sciences

Maria Mylopoulos
The assessment for the course will consist of 4 parts: 10% Participation in class discussion & group work (based on assigned readings), 30% Research Proposal draft (max 3 pages single spaced), 40% Research Proposal edited based on instructor feedback (max 3 pages single spaced), 20% Research Proposal Presentation