
Health Services Organization and Management Comprehensive Course


Completion of required course work for PhD in Health Services Organization and Management Emphasis


This course is designed to fulfill the requirement for a comprehensive exam for graduate students in the health services organization and management stream of our doctoral program


  1. Undertake a comprehensive review of the key concepts and theories from the management and organizational sciences literature which have been applied, or have viable application potential, to management in the health services industry,
  2. Identify and critically analyze the strengths and weakness of varying research traditions in health services management research,
  3. Critically assess the strengths and weaknesses of varying methodologies used to study managerial and organizational issues in health services management and the general organizational literature, and
  4. Prepare the student to formulate and clearly articulate relevant, topical research questions and to develop viable research designs/plans by which to pursue them.


Lianne P. Jeffs

HSR – Health Services Organization and Management Studies Emphasis Lead

