Course Database

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The Prognostic Effect of Lipids on the Outcome of Early-Stage Breast Cancer

Published: 2005

Mala Bahl

MSc Graduate

Supervisors: Pamela Goodwin

Surveillance Mammography of the Contralateral Breast Following a Total Mastectomy for Breast Cancer

Published: 2005

Corona Gainford

MSc Graduate

Supervisors: Kathleen Pritchard

Prognostic Significance of Cardiac-Specific Troponins in Patients Hospitalized for Congestive Heart Failure

Published: 2005

John You

MSc Graduate

Supervisors: Jack Tu

Prognostic Factors for First Clinical Fracture in Patients with Primary Osteoporosis: Analyses of Data from the Canadian Database of Osteoporosis and Osteopenia

Published: 2005

Olga Gajic-Veljanoski

MSc Graduate

Supervisors: Angela M. Cheung

Preferences for Short Term versus Long Term Androgen Deprivation in Prostate Cancer Survivors

Published: 2005

Long Term Effects of a Home Based Cardiac Rehabilitation Program on LDL Cholesterol and Exercise Tolerance: Comparison of Men and Women

Published: 2005

Beth Abramson

MSc Graduate

Supervisors: Peter D. Donnelly

Evaluation of Computerized Interpretation of Pediatric Electrocardiograms

Published: 2005

Christine Chiu-Man

MSc Graduate

Supervisors: Brian McCrindle

Diabetes and the Risk of Postmenopausal Breast Cancer: A Retrospective Population-Based Study

Published: 2005

Lorraine Lipscombe

MSc Graduate

Supervisors: Janet Hux

Development of Guidelines for Reporting Randomized Controlled Trials of Herbal Medicine Interventions

Published: 2005

Joel Gagnier

MSc Graduate

Supervisors: Claire Bombardier

Development and Validation of Transfusion Risk Understanding Scoring Tool (TRUST) to Stratify Cardiac Surgery Patients According to their Blood Transfusion Needs

Published: 2005

Abdullah Alghamdi

MSc Graduate

Supervisors: Alexander Logan