2023 Research and Impact Day

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IHPME's Research and Impact Day poster with event details

IHPME’s 2023 Research and Impact Day will be in person this year! Run by our Graduate Student Union (GSU), this student-led conference is one of our Institute’s flagship events.

This event serves as the largest showcase of student work and provides our community with the opportunity to share, learn, recognize, and celebrate the exciting and impactful work of students across program disciplines. 

Submission Information For Our 2023 Research and Impact Day

Our call for student submissions is now open. We invite students of all programs (research and professional) to submit their ongoing or completed research, coursework, practicum projects, or other relevant work by clicking here: https://forms.gle/VMHMhwZVM7ppkD368

Research and Impact Day Schedule

8am – 9am: Registration and breakfast (6th floor space outside of the auditorium)

9am – 10am: Student Poster Presentations (6th floor)

10am – 11:30am: Student Oral Presentations (Rooms 614, 618, 696, 734, 740, and 790)

11:30am – 12:45pm: Welcome Address and Expert Panel on Social Prescribing (6th floor auditorium – room 610)

12:45pm – 1:30pm: Lunch and Registration for Afternoon Attendees (6th floor and 7th floor lounge)

1:30pm – 3pm: Student Oral Presentations II (Rooms 614, 618, 696, 734, 740, and 790)

3pm – 4pm: Student Poster Presentations II (6th floor)

4pm – 5pm: Keynote Speech (6th floor auditorium – room 610)

5pm – 6pm: Awards Ceremony (6th floor auditorium – room 610)

6pm – 7:30pm: Wine and Cheese Reception (7th floor lounge)

7:30pm: End of Program

Event Program

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Marielle Boutin
Email Address: ihpme.communications@​utoronto.ca

Manages all IHPME-wide communications and marketing initiatives, including events and announcements.