Want to learn more about Ontario’s Healthcare System?
We have organized a session on Thursday October 23rd from 12-1:15 pm with Michael Hillmer, Director from the Planning, Research and Analysis Branch at the Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care. The session will be held at IHPME in Room 451.
This event will provide an overview of how the Ontario health system works including its relationship to the LHINS and healthlinks, funding, accountability and performance measurement.
Some questions of interest that may frame the discussion include:
1. What is the distinction between funding and financing in the context of health care and how does this happen in Ontario?
2. How does the MOHTLC coordinate with the Ministry of Finance in terms of accountability arrangements and agreements?
3. What is the role of performance measurement/ management?
Feel free to bring along any questions you have about this topic. A light lunch will be provided.
Space is limited so please RSVP at the following doodle link: http://
IHPME GSU in collaboration with IHPME Faculty

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Marielle Boutin
Email Address: ihpme.communications@utoronto.ca