Co-hosted between IHPME, Department of Paediatrics (DoP), University of Toronto, and the SickKids Research Institute (RI). Wednesdays at 12:00pm to 1:00pm.
April 15, 2015, Room 1250, Black Wing, SickKids, 555 University Ave., Toronto
The evolution of ADHD: treatment and effects across time and countries
Dr. Mark Stabile, PhD
Director, School of Public Policy and Governance, University of Toronto
Dr. Lauren Jones, PhD
Postdoctoral Fellow Rotman School of Management, University of Toronto
Assistant Professor, Ohio State University
Over the past twenty years, mental disabilities have overtaken physical disabilities as the leading cause of activity limitations in children. Today, ADHD is three times more likely than asthma to be contributing to childhood disability in the United States. This talk will explore the relationship between ADHD and child human capital development in both Canada and the United States. It will then explore the effects of an expansion in insurance coverage which greatly increased the number of children using stimulant medications for ADHD. Finally it will introduce some new research that aims to track the evolution of ADHD over the past 60 years.
Mark Stabile is Founding Director of the School of Public Policy and Governance at the University of Toronto and Professor of Economics and Public Policy at the Rotman School of Management, University of Toronto. His recent work focuses on the economics of child health and development, child mental health, health care financing, and tax policy and health insurance. He has advised the Governments of the United States, Canada, and Ontario, among others, on health care reform and programs to reduce child poverty.
Lauren Jones is a postdoctoral fellow at the Martin Prosperity Institute at the Rotman School of Management, University of Toronto. She conducts policy research on child and family wellbeing, especially in the areas of health and household economics. Her recent work has focused on child mental health, tax policy and household finance.
Room 1250, Black Wing
The Hospital for Sick Children (SickKids)
555 University Ave., Toronto
Light refreshments will be served. Please note these seminars may be applied towards CME credits. If applicable, please sign the attendance sheet at the end of the seminar.
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