NAO Lecture Series: Lena Sanci

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Flyer for the NAO Lecture Series event titled 'Innovations in Primary Care: An Australian Perspective,' co-hosted with the Department of Family & Community Medicine and the Upstream Lab. The event features Dr. Lena Sanci, Head of the Department of General Practice at the University of Melbourne. Scheduled for November 14, 2024, from 12–1 pm ET, the lecture will be held in a hybrid format at 500 University Ave., Toronto (Boardroom A, 6th floor), and on Zoom. Logos of the North American Observatory on Health Systems and Policies, Upstream Lab, and the University of Toronto’s Department of Family & Community Medicine are displayed at the bottom.

The North American Observatory on Health Systems and Policies (NAO), Department of Family and Community Medicine (DFCM) and the Upstream Lab welcomes Lena Sanci on Thursday, November 14, 2024 at 12:00 PM (ET) for a hybrid Lecture Series event.



500 University Ave., Boardroom A (6th floor)
Toronto, ON

Virtual: Zoom


Professor Lena Sanci will present an overview of the Department of General Practice and Primary Care at the University of Melbourne, highlighting its key initiatives in teaching, research, and community engagement. She will discuss the department’s commitment to excellence in general practice education and the Victorian Practice Based Research Network (VicREN), which connects over 600 general practices for research and education purposes.

Prof Sanci will then provide insights into Australia’s healthcare system, and its ‘universal coverage’ through Medicare and a mix of public and private services, highlighting its strengths and challenges, particularly in relation to primary care.

As the Chief General Practice Advisor to the Department of Health Victoria, Prof Sanci will also share her experiences in working to strengthen the integration between primary care and public hospitals to improve overall health outcomes and address the challenges facing Australia’s health system.

Attendees can expect to gain valuable insights into Australian approaches to primary care education, research, and policy development.

Lunch and light refreshments will be provided for those attending in-person (registration required).

Speaker Bio:

Professor Lena Sanci (PhD, FRACGP, MBBS) is an academic GP, Head of Department and lead of the Children and Young People’s Research Stream in the Department of General Practice and Primary Care. She is also the Chief General Practice Advisor to the Department of Health Victoria, a role that prioritises the integration of health care systems. Prof Sanci is inaugural President of the Australasian School Based Health Association, Medical Advisor on program implementation for the Victorian government Doctors in Secondary Schools Program, co-lead of the ‘Insights into Long COVID’ research priority as part of the Australian Partnership for Preparedness Research on Infectious Disease Emergencies (APPRISE) and works clinically as a sessional GP at Sexual Health Victoria. She is also advisor to the University of Melbourne Collaborative Practice Centre and the Centre for Digital Transformation of Health, and co-chair of the primary care committee of the Melbourne Academic Centre for Health. She has an established track record as CI in capacity building multidisciplinary research collaborations, including CREs around integrated health care hubs (adolescent health, childhood adversity and family violence) and a National Research Translation Centre (ALIVE).

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