English Care Homes and Sense of ‘Home’: The Winding Road
Abstract: The context for social care has become ever more challenging over the past 5 years. This seminar will consider the concept of home in the face of the pressures from financialization and pandemic infection control measures.
Speaker: Anne Killett, Senior Lecturer, School of Health Sciences, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, University of East Anglia
Dr. Anne Killett, an Associate Professor in occupational therapy, has been researching social care and older people since 2008. Coming from a career as an occupational therapist she is passionate about the active involvement influencing research of those most affected by the research. Her latest funding acknowledges this, with an 18-month award from the UK NIHR to study the public involvement role in research of older people living in care homes.
Associated Readings:
- Kenkman, A., Poland, F., Burns, D., Hyde, P., and Killett, A. (2017) Negotiating and valuing spaces: The discourse of space and ‘home’ in care homes. Health and Place. 43, pp8-16
- Burns, D., Hyde, P. and Killett, A. (2016) How financial cutbacks affect job quality and care of the elderly. Work and Employment Relations in Healthcare. Industrial Labor Relations Review. 69(4), pp 991-1016.
- Burns, D. Cowie, L, Earle, J, Folkman, P, Froud, J, Hyde, P, Johal, S, Rees Jones, I, Killett, A, Williams K. (2016) Where does the money go? Financialised chains and the crisis in residential care. CRESC Public Interest Report, Centre for Research on Socio-Cultural Change. http://
hummedia.manchester.ac.uk/ institutes/ cresc/ research/ WDTMG%20FINAL%20-01-3-2016.pdf - Brainard, J., Bunn, D., Watts, L., Killett, A., O’Brien, S., Lake, I.. Mumford, S., Lane, K. (In press 26 October 2022) English care home staff morale and preparedness during the Covid pandemic: A longitudinal analysis American Journal of Infection Control
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