Dr Ayelet Kuper is a Scientist and Associate Director at the Wilson Centre and an Associate Professor in the University of Toronto Department of Medicine with cross-appointments to the Institute of Health Policy, Management and Evaluation (IHPME), the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education (OISE), and the Anne Tanenbaum Centre for Jewish Studies (Faculty of Arts and Sciences). She practices medicine within the Division of General Internal Medicine at Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre. She is interested in the kinds of knowledge we see as legitimate within medical education and medicine more broadly, and in the ideas, individuals, and groups that are included or excluded based on their knowledge claims. She has published over 90 peer-reviewed papers, many of which relate to power, equity, inclusion, and social justice, and is frequently invited to speak about those topics internationally. She is also interested in critical social theory, interpretative methodologies, reflexive axiologies, and the interplay between all of these in conducting rigorous, meaningful research.

The Wilson Centre generates high quality and innovative interdisciplinary education science to propel transformations in health professions education.