Dr. Sarah Ibrahim is a Scientific Associate IV in the Program for Health System and Technology Evaluation in the Toronto General Hospital Research Institute and Quality Improvement Innovation Educator in the Jay and Sari Sonshine Centre for Stroke Prevention & Cerebrovascular Brain Health at Toronto Western Hospital, University Health Network. She is also a Certified Healthcare Simulation Educator, a Research Member in the Centre for Advancing Collaborative Healthcare & Education (CACHE), University of Toronto, and a Section Editor with the Canadian Medical Education Journal. Her program of research has two education streams, all of which are rooted in implementation science. The first education stream focuses on improving experiential learning and teaching innovation and excellence for health care trainees and HCPs through the design, implementation, and evaluation of simulation, inter-faculty, and inter-institutional education-related curricula, initiatives, and interventions. The second education stream focuses on the design, implementation and evaluation of health education and behavioral-related interventions that optimize care delivery processes and improves patient health outcomes for persons living with multiple chronic co-morbid conditions.