Professional Interests
- Spinal Cord Injury and Neurotrauma
- Clinical Prediction Model Development
- Clinical Trials
- Health Services Outcomes and Evaluation
- Clinical Effectiveness Research
Other Affiliation
- Assistant Professor, Division of Neurosurgery, Department of Surgery, University of Toronto
- Staff Neurosurgeon, St. Michael’s Hospital
- Scientist, Li Ka Shing Knowledge Institute

Christopher S Lozano
MSc Graduate Student
Thesis: Predicting Outcomes in Elderly Cervical Spine Fracture Patients: A Fusion of Clinical Epidemiology and CT Imaging Characteristics to Optimize Care
Supervisors: Jefferson R Wilson

Armaan K Malhotra
MSc Graduate Student
Thesis: Utilizing deep learning to inform traumatic brain injury outcome prediction
Supervisors: Avery Nathens, Jefferson R Wilson