Kelvin Yam

Faculty Member

In addition to being a frontline pharmacist and patient advocate ready to embrace the evolving scope of practice for pharmacists and adapt to the future needs of healthcare, Kelvin works with decision-makers and stakeholders in Ontario at a macro policy level, taking inspiration from humanistic stories, strategic frameworks, and business models across the world, to facilitate timely, responsible, and effective health innovation. As part of this mission, Kelvin provides trusted executive-level decision support and content leadership in his capacity as a Senior Policy Advisor on a number of government policy areas related to digital health and information policy, including data protection policy, health economics policy, innovation policy, intellectual property policy, big data and artificial intelligence policy, and health technology regulatory policy – contributing to overall system modernization in alignment with the achievement of optimal value, outcomes, and equity. Kelvin strives to be a visionary strategist and leader who delivers real-world impact for the public good.

Research Interests: Digital Health, Digital Medicine, Health Policy, Health Informatics, Health Economics, Intellectual Property, Health Systems Research, Big Data, Artificial Intelligence, Population Health, Quality Improvement, Systems Innovation, Innovation in Health Care, Leadership and Governance

Professional Interests: Kelvin is a strategist, informaticist, and pharmacist specializing in digital medicine, health innovation, and complex systems, with a passion to modernize health systems and foster responsible data and digital innovation using technology, policy, and collaborative processes as levers:

  • Policy and Advisory: Integrating perspectives for system-level strategy;
  • People and Change: Amplifying impact through facilitative leadership; and
  • Product and Design: Translating good ideas into thoughtful solutions.

Kelvin is a Doctor of Pharmacy (University of Waterloo) graduate and Master of Health Informatics (University of Toronto) graduate with certified strategy and management training from Harvard Business School and diverse experience in health care, strategic design, and digital transformation.

Other Affiliations:

Senior Policy Advisor, Strategy & Governance
Information Management Strategy and Policy Branch
Digital Health Division, Ontario Ministry of Health