Professional Interests
Research interests include diabetes epidemiology, health services, and population health, with a particular focus on improving care and prevention for women with diabetes. Research expertise include studies using administrative databases, pragmatic clinical trials, and health services implementation science studies.
My approach to teaching and mentoring IHPME students is shaped by my research expertise, my clinical practice, and my leadership roles within the field of diabetes and population health. The goal of my research program is to improve prevention, care, and outcomes for diabetes. I have expertise in epidemiology, pharmaco-epidemiology, and health services research, and my work involves the use of administrative databases, observational cohort studies, and pragmatic clinical trials. As the inaugural director of University of Toronto’s Novo Nordisk Network for Healthy Populations, I am leading a cross-disciplinary research network in partnership with Faculty of Medicine, Dalla Lana School of Public Health, and University of Toronto Mississauga to address the burden and risk of diabetes and related chronic conditions.
Other Affiliations
Research Scientist, Women’s College Research Institute (
Staff Physician, Division of Endocrinology & Metabolism, Department of Medicine, Women’s College Hospital
Director, Novo Nordisk Network for Healthy Populations, University of Toronto (https://
Senior Adjunct Scientist, Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences (
Professor, Department of Medicine, University of Toronto