While my career started in cardiac care as a nurse. After participating in a Quality Improvement Research led by a cardiologist I have recognized my passion for QI and patient safety. Shortly after, I have led the Schulich Heart Program Accreditation in 2013 and started a new role as the Surgical Performance Improvement Specialist at Sunnybrook Health Sciences Center. I was able to successfully introduce the National Surgical Quality Improvement Program (NSQIP) at Sunnybrook and start many sustainable initiatives which led to improved outcome of surgical patients. As a result the hospital has received meritorious award for excellent surgical outcome in 2 consecutive years amongst 600 NSQIP participating hospitals. In addition, as a co-lead to introducing LEAN across the outpatient endoscopy clinic at the hospital setting led to the significant reduction of wait time. Before transitioning to my current role as a patient care manager, I have embarked on a new project in the OR and Related Services called “Joy in Work” to reduce the effect of burn out in healthcare settings. While the project is still on going, I was able to set the ground by supporting the senior management team to get trained on the subject and help them facilitate many fruitful discussions with frontline staff. Staff morale has increased significantly since by addressing some of the pebbles in their shoes. Currently, I am focusing on promoting culture of safety in Schulich heart program cardiac ICU. By supporting and creating a psychological safe environment for staff and patients to speak up and learn from many opportunities that surrounds us.
Research Interests: My research interests include cardiac and surgical care with a particular focus on user-experience design and quality. My work is designed to be policy-oriented and actionable through changes in structure or processes of care at the institution or system level. I focus on development of models of care that can improve outcomes for end users (both patients and clinicians) through redesign. Examples include the use of a medical directive for nurse-initiated urinary catheter removal, Creating Surgical Site Infection Bundle specific to each surgery.
Professional Interests:
- Quality Improvement
- Patient Safety
- Health System Design
- Transformational Leadership