Paula Rochon

Faculty Member

Accepting Students

Dr. Paula Rochon is one of the leading Canadian health-services researchers in the field of aging. Her groundbreaking research applies a sex and gender lens to explore how medical therapies impact the health of older adults with multiple conditions, particularly women who make up the majority of this demographic. In addition, Dr. Rochon recognizes the importance of mentorship to help build the capacity of health researchers in the area of aging.  She is seeking a highly motivated trainee, who will play a key role in research designed to promote health and wellness in older women and men, with a particular emphasis on women. Much of the research will focus on using population level data to identify opportunities to improve the health of older adults.

Professional Interests: Clinical effectiveness, technology assessment/drug utilization, health services delivery, community and home care, chronic/LTC, public and population health, elderly, women’s health.

Other Affiliations:

Christina Reppas-Rindlisbacher

PhD Graduate Student

Thesis: Delirium care for immigrant older adults: exploring practice patterns and long-term outcomes using administrative data

Supervisors: Paula Rochon

A Study of Prognosis in Parkinson’s Disease: A Retrospective Cohort Study of the DATATOP Cohort

Published: 2005