I have a sustained interest in the role of knowledge in organizational performance; that is, how the acquisition, generation, use, non-use, and disuse of knowledge relates to organizational performance. In particular, I am interested in why and how and when workers in organizations generate or acquire new knowledge, how they collectively learn about and use new knowledge, and why some organizations are highly effective in applying new knowledge to enhance their performance while others are less adept at doing so. My work draws from, and aims to contribute to the literature on organizational learning and knowledge transfer originating in the organization and management sciences, and to the field of implementation science, and relates to the concept of learning health systems. A focus on the relationships between organizational learning and performance is particularly germane to health care, where it is within practitioners’, consumers’ and publics’ interests for care-providing organizations to be adept learners and high performers. There is also an interest in realizing the full potential of new knowledge – embedded, for example, in clinical practice guidelines, quality improvement initiatives, new management practices, an organization’s policies, or newly trained professionals. Often, new evidence-based knowledge of this sort has been generated at considerable cost, with the intent of improving performance in health services organizations. And, frequently in health care, this costly new knowledge is not adopted, or the intended knowledge targets (practitioners, managers, organizations) do not have the (learning) capacity to implement it, or the resultant practice change is not sustained such that the intended health, operational, or societal benefits are only partially or never realized.

Morgann Reid
PhD Graduate Student
Thesis: Health Workforce Organization and Management
Supervisors: Meena Andiappan, Whitney Berta
Examining the Relationship Between the Natural Environment and Outcomes Related to the Mental Health and Well-Being of Residents and Care Staff in Long-Term Care Homes
Published: 2023
Health Literate Discharge Practices in Ontario Hospital
Published: 2016
How Organizational Experiments Influence Organizational Learning
Published: 2011