Zubin Austin

Faculty Member

My research is funded predominantly by Health Canada and the Government of Ontario. I have served on a variety of expert taskforces and government committees specifically focused on integration of internationally educated health professionals in the Canadian workforce. I have delivered over 100 international presentations on the Canadian experience of health human resources planning with respect to internationally educated professionals, competency assessment, and regulatory best practices.

My research interests focus on the personal and professional development of the health human resources workforce. As the complexity and interdependency of care provision advances, the importance of investing in continuous professional development of health professionals increases. My research recognizes that artificial divisions between “personal” and “professional” development are counterproductive to the goal of enhanced quality care. Failure to recognize these important development needs in the workforce leads to burnout, disengagement, and ultimately error. A particular focus of my research involves internationally educated health professionals, a large and growing component of our Canadian workforce who have particular needs for professional and personal development.

My professional interests include: Continuous professional development; Interprofessional collaboration; Workplace redesign to support collaborative care