Improving outcomes and efficiency by reducing unnecessary invasive angiograms using AI-based clinical decision support
CREATE (CentRe for digital hEalth and dATa sciEnce) has developed an AI model that can help reduce the number of unnecessary angiograms and now working to develop a clinical decision support tool for use at the point of care.
Lead: Jeremy Petch
Affiliates: Laura C. Rosella
My career is focused on the innovative use of digital technologies to transform the health care system. Much of my work in this area focuses on using machine learning and artificial intelligence to derive new insights from clinical data to support clinical and executive decision-making. I also work closely with clinicians and patients to codesign of new software applications to enable new models of care.
In 2019 I founded CREATE (CentRE for daTa science and digiTal hEalth) a multidisciplinary team made up of specialists in health systems, data engineering, data science, software engineering and interoperability. Our mission is to partner with scientists and innovators to invent the future of health care. CREATE welcomes graduate students focused on innovative application of technology in a range of fields including epidemiology, health informatics, public health and health services research.
Prior to founding CREATE, my team at St. Michael’s Hospital developed Canada’s most advanced and comprehensive hospital-based data warehouse, which continuously integrates the hospital’s rich clinical data with administrative and operational data to power clinical and operational dashboards, as well as predictive models such as an Emergency Department volume prediction tool and a General Internal Medicine early warning system.
In addition to my research and innovation activities at CREATE and U of T, I am also active in the broader health care system. I currently serve as the co-chair of the Greater Hamilton Health Network’s Digital Health Secretariat, which is responsible for our Ontario Health Team’s digital health strategy. From 2015 to 2021 I served as a core member of CADTH’s national Health Technology Expert Review Panel, which develops recommendations on the optimal use of health technologies. I served on the board of directors of the Regent Park Community Health Centre from 2013 to 2021, and served as its chair for two years.

Mohammed Rashidul Anwar
PhD Graduate Student
Thesis: Identifying Patent Foramen Ovale (PFO) population and developing decision model for PFO closure.
Supervisors: Jeremy Petch