Dr. Stephen Fremes completed medical school at the University of Toronto in 1979. Dr. Fremes then entered surgical residency at the University of Toronto, completing General Surgery residency in 1986 and Cardiovascular and Thoracic Surgery residency in 1988. Under the supervision of Richard Weisel, Dr. Fremes received a MSc in Medical Science in 1984. He was the recipient of Heart and Stroke Research Fellowships from 1982-84 and 1988-89 and a Career Support award from 1993-98. Dr. Fremes has been on staff at Sunnybrook HSC since 1989, the Head of the Division of Cardiac Surgery from 2000-2013, and a Professor of Surgery at the University of Toronto since 2001 with cross appointments at the University in the School of Graduate Studies, Institute of Medical Science, and the Institute of Health Policy Management and Evaluation. He is the inaugural recipient of the Bernard S Goldman Chair in Cardiovascular Surgery at the University of Toronto. Dr. Fremes has had peer reviewed grant support for studies in cardiac surgery as a principal applicant or co-principal applicant for more than 30 years. Dr. Fremes research interests have primarily centred on improving outcomes following CABG, arterial grafting, myocardial protection/cardiopulmonary bypass management, and lately transcatheter aortic valve surgery. The research methodologies include multicenter clinical trials, observational studies including health systems research, systematic reviews and meta-analyses, and health economics and modelling and considerable involvement in Clinical Practice Guidelines.