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Advanced Design and Analysis Issues in Clinical Trials


Location(s): Online Synchronous

  • Date: Time: Thu

Kristen Davidge

Depression And Suicide After Stroke (DASAS)

Evaluating the mental health effects of stroke in Canadian stroke survivors

Lead: Manav V. Vyas

Affiliates: Claire de Oliveira, Amy Y.X. Yu, Moira Kapral, Peter C. Austin

Using Neighborhood Equity Heatmaps to Identify High Users of MGH’s Emergency Department: A Data-Driven, Collaborative Decision-Making Practice to Reduce Health Inequities in East Toronto

Funded by: TD Community Health Solutions Grant. The Michael Garron Hospital FoundationApproach: Mixed Methods/ Equity Heatmap/ Co-design This mixed-methods study aims to identify frequent users of Michael Garron Hospital’s (MGH) Emergency Department (ED) and understand their characteristics through equity heatmaps. […]

Lead: Sara Shearkhani

Affiliates: Kelly Smith

A Quantitative Evaluation of An Integrated Care Approach to Address Capacity Issues at a Community Hospital

Funded by: TD Community Health Solutions Grant. The Michael Garron Hospital FoundationApproach: Quantitative/Matching/Regression Hospitals face significant challenges during winter due to the seasonal influx of patients with illnesses such as influenza and COVID-19, a phenomenon known as the “Winter Surge”. […]

Lead: Sara Shearkhani

Affiliates: Kelly Smith

Kevin H. M. Kuo

A young man smiling happily outside on a sunny day with academic buildings seen in the background. Vinyas Harish reflects on his time in the CEHCR program.

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