Research Associate, HSPN
Provides statistical, methodology and analysis support for the Health System Performance Network (HSPN)
Chris Bai

Research Coordinator/Services Officer, NAO
Provides support, management and research for the North American Observatory on Health Systems and Policies (NAO), including project management/coordination, data analysis, administration and finance
Monika Roerig
Phone Number: 416-946-0380
Email Address:

Research Officer, CCHE
Canadian Centre for Health Economics (CCHE)
Adrian Rohit Dass
Email Address:
Research Officer, HSPN
Provides coordination and analysis support for research projects at the Health System Performance Network (HSPN)
Vijay Kunam
Email Address:
Research Officer, OTRU
Ontario Tobacco Research Unit (OTRU)
Lynn Planinac
Email Address:
Research Officer, PEPR
Provides support, management and research for the Partnerships for Evaluation and Policy Research, including project management/coordination, data analysis, administration and finance.
Melinda Hamill
Email Address: