Health Economics is concerned with the study of resource allocation within the health sector and between that sector and other sectors. This course is designed to introduce participants to an array of economic evaluation methods used to assess health care programs, services, technologies, and other interventions. Prior knowledge of economics is not required; however, participants are expected to possess quantitative skills (e.g., the ability to undertake statistical analyses). Upon completion, participants will not only have analytic skills that are applicable to economic evaluation, they will also know how economists approach important issues in health services research and decision-making.
To introduce learners to different types of economic evaluations.
To acquaint learners with the approaches and viewpoints that applied health economists bring to health services research.
To apply economic evaluation techniques to important contemporary issues in Canadian health services research and decision-making.

Peter C. Coyte
- Homework assignment
- 15%
- Project proposal
- 15%
- Classroom participation
- 10%
- Project presentation
- 10%
- Final course project
- 50%