This course will provide learners with a comprehensive working knowledge of implementation science. Also known as knowledge translation, this subject focuses on the effectiveness and optimizing of approaches and strategies to enhance research utilization through understanding of the complex, interacting factors that can influence health care delivery and outcomes. This knowledge is relevant to health system leaders, continuing education planners, guideline implementers, practicing clinicians, health care managers, and health services researchers. The course will review how educational, social, patient, organizational, incentive and embedded approaches and strategies can be applied to close the gap between best evidence and practice.
At the completion of this course, participants will be able to:
- Explain the meaning of implementation science/knowledge translation
- Identify and explain various theories underlying implementation science/knowledge translation
- Describe determinants that influence the utilization of knowledge, practice and technology
- Discuss the applicability and mechanism of action of various implementation strategies
- Understand the effectiveness of approaches/strategies and how they can be tailored/optimized
- Design a quality improvement program or research study involving implementation
[Problem analysis (600 words) = 10%]
[Project proposal (1,000 words) = 20%]
[Facilitation (reading summary, lead discussion on one topic) = 25%]
[Final paper based on problem/proposal (10 pages) = 35%]
[Participation (actively and meaningfully engage in weekly discussion) = 10%]
Tools for Implementation Science
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