The Collaborative Centre for Climate, Health & Sustainable Care, in partnership with the Joseph L. Rotman School of Management, University of Toronto, presents “Climate, HIV, and privacy challenges in Malawi: How an electronic medical record system reduced HIV deaths”. This seminar will focus on how the use of electronic medical records (EMRs) in health facilities improves HIV patient retention and prevents AIDS deaths in the low-income country of Malawi. As well, highlight the climate and biodiversity issues that face Malawi.
*There are limited in-person tickets available, if you register as a virtual attendee you will not be able to attend in-person.
Dr. Anita M. McGahan, Senior Research Scientist, Burnes Center for Social Change, Northeastern University, Professor, Joseph L. Rotman School of Management, University of Toronto.
Ashley Mariko Aimone, Assistant Professor, Division of Epidemiology and Centre for Global Health, Dalla Lana School of Public Health.
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