CRNCC HSPRN and IHPME Joint Symposium – Caring for Caregivers

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Caring for Caregivers: Bridging the Care Gap

Featured Speakers:

  • Adalsteinn Brown, Director, Institute for Health Policy, Management and Evaluation, and Dalla Lana Chair in Public Health Policy, University of Toronto
  • Anna Greenberg,  Vice-President, Health System Performance, Health Quality Ontario
  • Janice Keefe, Professor and Lena Isabel Jodrey Chair in Gerontology, Department of Family Studies and Gerontology & Director, Nova Scotia Centre on Aging, Mount Saint Vincent University
  • Krista Keilty, Clinical Nurse Specialist and Nurse Practitioner, Division of Respiratory Medicine, SickKids
  • Lisa Levin, Chair, Ontario Caregiver Coalition
  • Dr. Samir Sinha, Director of Geriatrics, Mount Sinai and the University Health Network Hospitals and Provincial Lead Ontario’s Seniors Strategy
  • A. Paul Williams, Professor, Health Policy, Institute for Health Policy, Management and Evaluation, and Co-Chair, CRNCC

Informal and mostly unpaid caregivers – spouses, family, friends and neighbors – play a crucial role in maintaining the health, well-being, functional independence and quality of life of growing numbers of persons of all ages who cannot manage on their own. In doing so, informal caregivers also moderate demand on already stretched formal health care systems and contribute to their sustainability. Yet, informal caregiving may be in decline. Caregivers are reporting rising levels of burden and stress. Engagement in caregiving is falling; and, the caregiver pool is shrinking.
How should policymakers and healthcare leaders respond?

This symposium – including morning refreshments and a networking lunch – features leading academic and policy experts. It tackles key assumptions around caregiving including the assumption that caregivers are going to be willing and able to step up as more individuals require care and as more care shifts from hospital and institutional settings to home and community where caregivers play the lead role.

The symposium will explore:

  • the practice and promise of different approaches for supporting caregivers;
  • self-directed care, where individual caregivers manage their own budgets;
  • supported self-managed care, where caregivers work in partnership with health care professionals to co-create individualized support packages and develop sustainable care networks;
  • best practices that look beyond supports for individual caregivers to the creation of intergenerational supportive communities.

Location: Atrium, George Vari Centre, Ryerson University, 245 Church Street, Toronto [Map]

Cost: $80 (students $40)

For more information please visit:

Caring for Caregivers

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