Masterclass in Implementing Integrated Care
December 2, 2019
In Ontario and Canada, health care providers are coming together to plan and implement integrated care solutions for their local communities. This masterclass is designed to help you to make your plan a reality. This class will provide you with answers to the following questions:
- How can you better understand and meet the needs of patients and caregivers?
- How can patient and caregivers needs be met by providers and managers?
- How can organizations support local implementation by collaborating across organizations?
- How can you scale and spread your initiatives?
- How can you evaluate the implementation and success of your program?
What is the Masterclass?
The full day programme will provide a hands-on interactive learning opportunity for leaders, managers and provider working with patients and caregivers to apply lessons from local and international examples of successful integrated care programs.
Who Should Come?
The master class will be relevant and useful to organizational leaders, providers, individual patients and caregivers as well as policy-makers seeking to implement and evaluate models of integrated care.
What is the Focus?
The focus for the Masterclass is on actively working in groups to develop a solution to better care for a prototypical / archetype (or real) individual and caregiver who have unmet health and social needs. The iCOACH faculty will lay out key tenets and examples of excellent care followed by working through exercises in groups and sharing approaches across participants.
Integrated care programs cannot operate in isolation and the direct consideration of context including funding and policy, organizational values and leadership, inter-organisational and inter-sectoral relationships. Key approaches to implementation of organisational and inter-organisational practices as well as provider activities and engagement will be discussed.
Our iCoaches
Walter Wodchis, Ross Baker, Jodeme Goldar, Anne Wotjak, Jay Shaw, Carolyn Steele Gray, Kerry Kuluski
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