As part of the North American Observatory on Health Systems and Policies (NAO) Lecture Series and the Canadian Centre for Health Economics (CCHE) Seminar Series we welcome Thomas Rice on Monday, November 12, 2018 at 4:30 PM in HS 610 Auditorium (Health Sciences Building, 155 College Street, Toronto). This event is free of charge and open to anyone. Forward it to a friend who might be interested.
Improving Consumer Decision-Making in U.S. Health Insurance Markets: A Behavioral Economics Approach
Many Americans face a daunting number of health insurance options and nearly all evidence indicates that they are not able to make choices that are in their best interests. Behavioral economics posits that limiting choices and simplifying information can improve consumer welfare. Evidence from some recent experiments will be presented.
Thomas Rice
Professor, Department of Health Policy and Management, UCLA Fielding School of Public Health
Associate Director (United States) of the NAO
Thomas Rice is Professor of the Department of Health Policy and Management at UCLA Fielding School of Public Health. His areas of interest include health insurance, competition and regulation; physicians’ economic behavior; and Medicare. He was lead author of a book about the U.S. health care system, for the European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies. Dr. Rice was elected to the Institute of Medicine of the National Academy of Sciences in 2006. He was chair of the AcademyHealth Board of Directors in 2005-6, and previously he had been awarded its Article of the Year Award and its Young Investigator Award.
North American Observatory on Health Systems and Policies (NAO)
The North American Observatory on Health Systems and Policies (NAO) is a collaborative partnership of interested researchers, health organizations, and governments promoting evidence-informed health system policy decision-making. Due to the high degree of health system decentralization in the United States and Canada, the NAO is committed to focusing attention on comparing health systems and policies at the provincial and state level in federations.
Canadian Centre for Health Economics (CCHE)
The Canadian Centre for Health Economics (CCHE) aims to be the leading institution in Canada for developing practical research based solutions to ongoing concerns in Canadian health and health economics research. The work of the Centre aims to provide solutions to issues in Canadian health research for those in the academic and policy realms.
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