The North American Observatory on Health Systems and Policies (NAO) welcome Aleksandar Džakula on Friday, September 9, 2022 at 12:00 PM (ET) for a hybrid Lecture Series event.
Lecture Description:
The last 100 years in the Republic of Croatia and neighboring countries could be used as a form of “living lab” for testing different forms of primary health care and health in the community. Namely, in that period, this area suffered the consequences of three major wars, four political regimes, many health system reforms and countless redefinitions of priorities. The aim of this lecture is to contribute to the discussion of the following questions: How have changes in the population, social structure and socioeconomic conditions affected changes in the health care system? How did changes in the setting affect the health behavior of citizens? What do primary health care and community health mean to us today? Which useful information can we learn from different concepts of modern healthcare in which we strive for hospitals without walls, integrated care, community health…?
Speaker Details:
Aleksandar Džakula is a senior health expert and Associate Professor at the Department of Social Medicine and Organization of Health Care at School of Medicine, University of Zagreb. He is also a leader of the Public Health Hub Croatia project team established at the School of Medicine, University of Zagreb.
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North American Observatory on Health Systems and Policies (NAO)
The North American Observatory on Health Systems and Policies(NAO) is a collaborative partnership of interested researchers, health organizations, and governments promoting evidence-informed health system policy decision-making. Due to the high degree of health system decentralization in the United States and Canada, the NAO is committed to focusing attention on comparing health systems and policies at the provincial and state level in federations.
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