Michael Li

Faculty Member

Michael Li is currently the Regional Director, Decision Support System Improvement and Quality Analytics at Vancouver Coastal Health. He and his team are responsible for providing analytics across the entire region to support strategy, operations and ultimately better care.

During the pandemic, Michael has been part of the analytics leadership group across the province that has helped create effective tracking and monitoring of COVID-19.

Throughout his career, Michael has worked in every clinical area within healthcare from public health to surgery. His journey has led to work across BC, Alberta, and Ontario both in public sector and consulting roles. In addition to information technology, analytics, strategy and healthcare reform, he is particularly interested in building culture and teams. As a result, he volunteers with several universities and in 2013 won an Arbor Award from the University of Toronto for his volunteer contributions. He also currently sits as Member, Program Advisory Committee, Capilano University School of Business. Michael is also the chair of the Vancouver Analytics Board, a local industry organization dedicated to “making Vancouver a premier destination where analytics professionals thrive.”

Michael holds a BSc in Health Information Science from the University of Victoria and an MHSc in Health Administration from the University of Toronto.