Susan Law

Susan Law

Faculty Member

Susan has had a hybrid career in research and management, holding positions as a senior manager in the Canadian and UK healthcare systems, as a manager of research at the Canadian Health Services Research Foundation (CFHI and now Healthcare Excellence Canada) and CIHR, and has training in applied and qualitative research methods. She completed her BSc (Human Kinetics) at the University of Guelph, MHSc at the University of Toronto, and PhD at the London School of Tropical Medicine (UK) in health services research. Susan leads a program of research and knowledge translation on experiences of illness using qualitative research involving audio/video recording of individual narratives. Results are shared online at to provide information and support to people living with similar health problems, and so that others, including educators and healthcare professionals, can learn from their experiences to improve the quality of care, and help shape healthcare systems that are patient-centred. The Canadian Health Experiences Research Network involves scientists, trainees, patients and care providers across Canada, and is part of an international network of 14 country-based teams engaged in similar research using methods originally developed at Oxford University. See:

Other Affiliations

Knowledge Mobilization Lead, Long COVID Web
Senior Scientist, Trillium Health Partners – Institute for Better Health
Affiliate Scientist, St. Mary’s Research Centre
Adjunct Professor, Family Medicine, McGill University

Current Research

Learning for learning health systems: environmental scan. Funded by Ontario SPOR SUPPORT Unit.
Patient experience of Long COVID. Funded by CIHR.
Women’s experiences of heart failure. Funded by CIHR.
Medical cannabis for chronic pain. Funded by CIHR and UToronto-USydney Collaboration Grant.
Ukraine experiences of displacement during war. Funded by St. Mary’s Hospital Foundation and UT SSHRC Development Grant.
Experiences of mental health problems during and after pregnancy. Funded by SMHF and other sources.
Experience-based co-design in paediatric intensive care. Funded by CIHR.