This project aims to take a holistic approach to address vaccine confidence by promoting equitable vaccine delivery in LMICs. Guided by an implementation science approach and equity-focused framework, we will identify key principles and develop guidance for vaccine delivery in LMICs, thus working towards improved public confidence and greater equity in COVID-19 vaccination. We will explore contextual and process-oriented factors impacting the COVID-19 vaccination programs in the Philippines, as well as barriers and enablers to achieving equitable vaccine delivery. Based on these findings and with local researchers, we will develop and pilot a tool kit to guide key stakeholders in implementing equitable COVID-19 vaccination programs in the Philippines. Next, we will involve our partners from the Philippines, the World Health Organization (WHO) Western Pacific Region, and WHO Headquarter to develop a generic tool kit and adaptation plan for equitable vaccine delivery in other settings, leveraging the adaptation and customization procedure proposed by the WHO. Components of the tool kit will include strategies for: – Identifying at-risk groups’ barriers and facilitators to vaccination program – Community engagement – Mobilizing healthcare workers and partners to reach these communities – Addressing vaccine hesitancy and confidence in at-risk groups The team consists of researchers from Canada and the Philippines with expertise in infectious diseases, vaccination programs, and implementation science.

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