PREVENT brings together a Global team that views technology as a force-multiplier to provide “Personalized Prevention Prescriptions” (PPP) for individuals at risk of developing chronic diseases.


  1. Create a scalable nidus for a new Canadian data asset, a Pre-diabetes Registry, that will link clinical data from physician electronic medical records (CPCSSN), administrative and socio-demographic data, wearables data and patient reported outcome and experience measures (PROMs & PREMs) from participants to enable the creation of new phenotypes. Genomic and proteomic data are not relevant for prediction of future diabetes onset at this time;
  2. Create a Predictive Capability that can predict risk of future diabetes, adherence to prevention and outcomes, taking into account sex and gender; and improve personalization over time using patient generated data;
  3. Develop “Personalized Prevention Bundles” suitable for different segments (including culture and language) which mix and match in-person, telehealth and automated (online, mobile app) interventions for superior flexibility and customization to the needs, preferences, values and constraints of individuals at risk;
  4. Work with health delivery partner organizations (primary care clinics, community organizations, employee assistance programs) to provide a structured ‘wrap-around’ to existing, locally available services to individuals at risk who have received a personalized prevention prescription;
  5. Develop an implementation evaluation framework to monitor and evaluate the program and share best practices with all partners as soon as they are identified and validated and
  6. Develop spread and scale evaluations for ethical, legal, environmental, economics and social barriers and facilitators to enable us to identify and plan for barriers early so the program can be scaled successfully.

Accepting Students

Conduct research on diabetes prevention
Develop workflows for various patient journeys
Develop chatbots and apps for patients

Lead Faculty

Karim Keshavjee

Karim Keshavjee


Program Director – Health Informatics (MHI)