
IHPME’s Clinical Epidemiology and Health Care Research (CEHCR) program is designed to train future clinician scientists.

The program’s innovative curriculum provides in-depth learning opportunities in measurement sciences, observational research, and clinical trials. Students will learn how to address research health questions using appropriate methodologies, feeling prepared to lead high-caliber research relevant to clinical practice.

Two streams of training are available at the Masters level – a non-thesis, course-only stream and a thesis-based stream.

The most common goal among students enrolling is to help prepare themselves for a career as a clinician scientist in an academic healthcare setting. Most applicants have 2-7 years of clinical experience and are preparing for an academic position.

Entry Term: Summer

Accepting Applications: September 23, 2024

CEHCR Application Deadline: November 29, 2024

Program Options: Course-based + Research Internship, Thesis-based

Study Options: Full-Time

Time Commitment: 1-2 years. Applicants are expected to have a minimum of 3 of 5 / 5 of 7 days per week of protected time in both thesis and non-thesis program options. This should cover course attendance and prep/assignment completion. We ask employers/
supervisors to provide written confirmation of this protected time.

Supervisor: It is often helpful for applicants to discuss potential projects with an expert in their area of research. Review Faculty Profiles and Research and Initiatives to find potential supervisors that align with your research interests. 

Fees and Funding: Students must provide proof of funding and protected time at time of offer acceptance.

Curriculum Highlights 

The MSc’s interdisciplinary curriculum builds a solid foundation in the principles and practice of clinical epidemiology. The MSc curriculum is designed to provide students with the research skills necessary to:

  • Undertake clinical and healthcare research as an independent investigator and to compete for peer-reviewed funding.
  • Critically assess the results of clinical and healthcare research reported in the medical literature, use the results of research in daily clinical practice, and teach evidence-based practice in clinical-training programs.
  • Play a leadership role in translating the results of effectiveness and efficiency research into: clinical practice policies, health policies, and reimbursement policies (e.g., the decision-making process of drugs and medical-devices approval).
  • Teach the principles of clinical and health care research to graduate students in research training programs.
  • Collaborate with other investigators on research projects and contribute to the research their unique skills. 
  • Assist other health care providers and researchers in the design and implementation of clinical and health care research.

Clinical Investigator Option

The University of Toronto’s Clinical Investigator Program (CIP) provides an exciting opportunity for residents to pursue graduate or postdoctoral level training within a Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada accredited program. The CIP provides an innovative curriculum, mentorship and the opportunity to pursue a diverse array of cutting-edge research.

Students must be enrolled in Residency and MSc or PhD programs to qualify. This is a potential source of funding for our students.

Finance Your Degree

At IHPME, we offer a variety of financial supports to help you succeed in our graduate programs.

Connect with Clinical Epidemiology and Health Care Research (CEHCR)

CEHCR Program Director

Sindhu Johnson
Phone Number: 416-603-6417
Email Address: sindhu.johnson@​uhn.ca

Oversees management of the CEHCR program.

CEHCR Associate Director

Nick Daneman
Email Address: nick.daneman@​sunnybrook.ca

Co-leads the management of the Clinical Epidemiology and Healthcare Research (CEHCR) program.

Graduate Administrator

Zoe Downie-Ross
Phone Number: (416) 946-3486
Email Address: ihpme.grad.admin@​utoronto.ca

Coordinates student records, graduate funding, and student-related awards.

Graduate Admissions

Christina Lopez
Email Address: ihpme.admissions@​utoronto.ca

Manages admissions and responds to all related inquiries.

Graduate Assistant

Devrim Sen (acting)
Email Address: ihpme.grad.assist@​utoronto.ca

Coordinates various graduate initiatives including defences, student events, and graduation.

CEHCR Program Assistant

Aileen O’Dowd
Email Address: clinepi.courses@​utoronto.ca

Manages the CEHCR courses including course enrolment, grades, and access to Quercus. For admissions inquiries contact ihpme.admissions@utoronto.ca.

Graduate Placements

Christina Lopez
Phone Number: (416) 978-1108
Email Address: ihpme.placements@​utoronto.ca

Coordinates details involving student placement and experiential learning