General Questions

Yes, we accept a number of non-physician clinicians into the program every year. Please note that our class sizes are small – approximately 25 new students per year, from over 100 very competitive applicants each year, most with a number of first-author publications already and a clear pathway to a position as a researcher in an academic setting upon completing the graduate program.

Yes, but note that most successful applicants have been engaged in research projects and will have published (a number) of peer-reviewed manuscripts already.

No, this is not the correct program. We are training individuals who wish to become independent investigators as clinician scientists or investigators with an academic appointment at a major University.

Yes, although you are expected to have a minimum of 3 of 5 / 5 of 7 days per week of protected time in both thesis and non-thesis programs. This protected time must be confirmed in writing by your clinical supervisor if admitted to the program.

Finance Your Degree

At IHPME, we offer a variety of financial supports to help you succeed in our graduate programs.

Connect with Clinical Epidemiology and Health Care Research (CEHCR)

CEHCR Program Director

Sindhu Johnson
Phone Number: 416-603-6417
Email Address: sindhu.johnson@​uhn.ca

Oversees management of the CEHCR program.

CEHCR Associate Director

Nick Daneman
Email Address: nick.daneman@​sunnybrook.ca

Co-leads the management of the Clinical Epidemiology and Healthcare Research (CEHCR) program.

Graduate Administrator

Zoe Downie-Ross
Phone Number: (416) 946-3486
Email Address: ihpme.grad.admin@​utoronto.ca

Coordinates student records, graduate funding, and student-related awards.

Graduate Admissions

Christina Lopez
Email Address: ihpme.admissions@​utoronto.ca

Manages admissions and responds to all related inquiries.

Graduate Assistant

Devrim Sen (acting)
Email Address: ihpme.grad.assist@​utoronto.ca

Coordinates various graduate initiatives including defences, student events, and graduation.

CEHCR Program Assistant

Aileen O’Dowd
Email Address: clinepi.courses@​utoronto.ca

Manages the CEHCR courses including course enrolment, grades, and access to Quercus. For admissions inquiries contact ihpme.admissions@utoronto.ca.

Graduate Placements

Christina Lopez
Phone Number: (416) 978-1108
Email Address: ihpme.placements@​utoronto.ca

Coordinates details involving student placement and experiential learning