Graduate Students Directory

Use our directory to connect or learn more about IHPME’s graduate students and their theses. 

Three students with books

Melissa Siow

MHI Graduate Student
MHI Stream — Executive Master of Health Informatics

Kirishan Sivaperuman

Kirishan Sivaperuman

MHI Graduate Student
MHI Stream — Executive Master of Health Informatics

Jacob Smith

PhD Graduate Student

Thesis: Essays on Supplier Induced Demand and Behavioural Economics

Supervisors: Eric Nauenberg

Lauren Ellen Smith

PhD Graduate Student

Thesis: The power to refuse: How community resistance to COVID-19 vaccination in the Philippines reveals problematic power dynamics within global health policy implementation

Supervisors: Erica MC Di Ruggiero

Auden Kylah Steane

MSc Graduate Student

Thesis: Transitions in care

Supervisors: Karen Okrainec

Daphne To

Daphne To

PhD Graduate Student

Thesis: Development of a Theory-informed Intervention to Support Effective Delivery of Minor Ailments Services by Community Pharmacists

Matthew Tracey

Matthew Tracey

PhD Graduate Student

Thesis: The financialization of healthcare services. Political economy and health.

Supervisors: Sara Allin