Graduate Students Directory

Use our directory to connect or learn more about IHPME’s graduate students and their theses. 

Three students with books

Otuto Amarauche Chukwu

PhD Graduate Student

Thesis: Task shifting for oncology care; utilizing pharmacists in expanding access to care in low- and middle-income countries

Supervisors: Essue, Beverley


Jaimie Coleman

PhD Graduate Student

Thesis: Effort Regulation in Autonomous Learning Environment in Health Professions Education

Supervisors: Ryan Brydges

Emily Cordeaux

Emily Cordeaux

PhD Graduate Student

Thesis: A focused ethnography of patient, caregiver, and healthcare professional voicing in support of person-centered care in a hospital setting

Supervisors: Kerry Kuluski

Nathan Cupido

Nathan Cupido

PhD Graduate Student

Thesis: Intersections between professional identity and expertise in health professionals' responses to ambiguity, novelty, and complexity

Jessica Lynne Cuppage

MHI Graduate Student
MHI Stream — Executive Master of Health Informatics

David D'Arienzo

David D’Arienzo

PhD Graduate Student

Thesis: Role of Virtual Care in the Transition from Hospital-to-Home for Children and Youth

Supervisors: Astrid Guttmann

Joshua Diamante

MHI Graduate Student
MHI Stream — Executive Master of Health Informatics

Calvin Diep

Calvin Diep

MSc Graduate Student

Thesis: The impact of preoperative depressive symptoms on new functional impairment after major elective noncardiac surgery