Implementation of Electronic Medical Records and Preventive Services: A Mixed Methods Study Published: 2011
Design and Evaluation of a Mobile Phone-based Remote Patient Monitoring System for Heart Failure Management: A Focus on Self-care Published: 2011
Preoperative Internal Medicine Consultation for Elective Intermediate-to-high Risk Non-cardiac Surgery in Ontario Published: 2011
Health Expenditures, Time to Death and Age: A Study of Individual-level, Longitudinal Data to Identify the Combined Role of Age and Mortality in Determining Health Utilization of the Elderly Published: 2011
Labour Force Participation and Health-related Quality of Life in People Living with HIV Published: 2011
The Impact of Adverse Events on Outcomes of Hospital Care and Sensitivity of Cost Estimates to Diagnostic Coding Error Published: 2010
Patients’ Perceptions of the Primary Care Characteristics in a Model of Interprofessional Patient-centred Collaboration Between Chiropractors and Physicians Published: 2010