Focus group circle

Vernissage Health – Developing Emerging Leaders In Health

Accepting Students

Vernissage Health focusses on the inner work of leadership in health.

Through self reflection, storytelling and deep listening, emerging leaders are invited to cultivate the mindsets and awareness required to lead positive change in health care. Together, with established leaders later in their careers, we learn the ‘art and craft of leadership’. Key initiatives include:

  1. Health Leaders Dialogue Series for IHPME Students

    The exploration of leadership is undertaken during a series of dialogue sessions between emerging (graduate students and early career leaders) and established leaders (mid to late-career leaders) in health care. Woven together, these sessions form a “conversation” about leadership – with one another and within ourselves.
  2. Built to Lead Podcast

    The Built to Lead podcast series is an annual student-directed companion initiative augmenting other Vernissage Health programs. Built on the leadership tenets of Vernissage Health, this podcast profiles a diverse range of health leaders in reflective conversations about their leadership beliefs and journeys. Each episode is an engaging conversation, hosted by emerging leaders, exploring contemporary aspects of health care leadership. Built to Lead is available on all major streaming platforms.
  3. IHPME Alumni Program for Early Career Health Leaders

    The nine month Early Career Health Leaders Program integrates 1:1 coaching with established leaders, who serve as mentors, with the Health Leaders Dialogue Series.

    The experience is offered to IHPME and DLSPH alumni who have graduated within the past five years and are working full or part time in health leadership. (Leadership is broadly defined to include leadership positions or roles in health organizations as well as leadership in health advocacy or community development.) Applications to the program are opened annually. ​

    The program is designed to provide a positive learning experience for early career leaders and includes an evidence based leadership self assessment related to the capacities of effective leaders, readings, reflection and authentic conversation about contemporary leadership in health; and one to one coaching and support to progress on leadership development goals.

Accepting Students

There is an annual student and alumni application process for all programs which are communicated by IHPME communications, program directors and the GSU.

Lead Faculty

Wendy Nelson

Wendy Nelson


Accepting Students

Affiliated Faculty