Past Student Theses

Showcasing research innovations from the IHPME community.

At IHPME, faculty and students collaborate extensively on innovative research. Browse this directly to view student theses from research and professional programs across IHPME.

The Effect of In Utero Tobacco Exposure on the Fetal Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Adrenal Axis

Published: 2006

Sarah McDonald

MSc Graduate

Supervisors: Arne Ohlsson

The Measurement of Change in Symptoms after Paracentesis of Symptomatic Malignant Ascites

Published: 2006

The Technological Transformation of Self-Care: A Patient-Driven Adaptation of the Technology Acceptance Model for Use in Evaluation of Patient-Accessible Electronic Medical Records

Published: 2006

Warren Winkelman

PhD Graduate
MHI Stream — Executive Master of Health Informatics

Supervisors: Kevin Leonard

Tracking Outcomes from First Episode Psychosis in Ontario – A Descriptive Multicentre Study Examining the Outcomes and Predictors of Outcome in Four First Episode Psychosis Programs

Published: 2006

Validating an Occupational Therapist’s Assessment in a Pre-Diagnostic Clinic: A Strategy to Improve Access to Arthritis Care

Published: 2006

Where do Nurses Work? Employment Patterns of Ontario Nurses by Sub-Sector, 1993-2003

Published: 2006

A Conceptual Model of Clinical Practice Guideline Implementation: The Case Study of Long term Care in Ontario

Published: 2005