Graduate Students Directory

Use our directory to connect or learn more about IHPME’s graduate students and their theses. 

Three students with books

John Nyagaka

John Morris Nyagaka

MHI Graduate Student

Adeteju Ogunbameru

PhD Graduate Student

Thesis: Economic relief programs to mitigate the impact of infectious disease outbreaks: health benefits, equity-impact and cost-effectiveness

Supervisors: Beate Sander

Soyun Oh

MSc Graduate Student

Thesis: Adaptation of the SOLAR Program to Support the Mental Health of Patients and Caregivers Living with Heart Failure: User-Centered Design of the Medly Mental Health Module

Supervisors: Quynh Pham

Sean Wei Xiang Ong

PhD Graduate Student

Thesis: Novel approaches to optimize the design and implementation of randomized clinical trials - a focus on bloodstream infections

Supervisors: Nick Daneman, Steven Tong

Susan Palijan

PhD Graduate Student

Thesis: The experiences and well-being of family caregivers of relatives with mental and substance use disorders throughout the care journey.

Supervisors: Kerry Kuluski

Donna Plett

PhD Graduate Student

Thesis: Mental health and the life course: a health economics analysis of the relationship between adolescent mental health, human capital accumulation, and socioeconomic outcomes in adulthood

Supervisors: Peter C. Coyte

Nousheen Pradhan

Nousheen Pradhan

PhD Graduate Student

Thesis: Improving the quality of healthcare services in Ontario Fracture Liaison Services (FLS).

Supervisors: E.M Joanna