Lavania Jeganathan
MSc Graduate Student
Thesis: The sociotechnical facilitators and barriers of adopting social prescribing within an Ontario Health Team: A Qualitative Descriptive Study
Supervisors: Kelly Smith, Katie N. Dainty
Sanaa Jeraj
MHSc Graduate Student
Husayn Jessa
MSc Graduate Student
Thesis: Examining Equity in Wait Times for Mental Health Services in British Columbia Post-Referral
Supervisors: David Rudoler
Sahana Jeyakumar
MHSc Graduate Student
Sanne Kaas-Mason
PhD Graduate Student
Thesis: Navigating Epistemic Work Environments: Understanding the Role of Relational Expertise
Supervisors: Paula Rowland
Karandeep Rakhra
MHI Graduate Student
Alyssa Kelly
PhD Graduate Student
Thesis: Exploring how health equity is conceptualized, operationalized, implemented, and evaluated in Ontario hospitals
Supervisors: Melanie Barwick
Yannay Khaikin
MSc Graduate Student
Thesis: Prevention of perineal injury during vaginal birth
Supervisors: Kuan Liu
Bilal Khan
PhD Graduate Student
Thesis: Evaluating a Forensic Early Intervention Service in Ontario Correctional Centres
Supervisors: Paul Kurdyak
Samah Khan
MHSc Graduate Student